Rhetorical Questions I Wish We Would Answer

Why do people deadpan lie to see if the other person will “get the joke?” Why, in a larger sense, is so much of social norm based on “just fuckin’ with ya pal, loosen up” type gags? Would society function better if we were bold enough to be authentic and vulnerable? Hard to tell, so little in the way of trying that out seems to be going on.

When we feel uncomfortable, why do we say vague things like “you’re off” instead of using details? Little comes from a debate about subjective experience. Why, when conflict is actually going on, don’t we want to quantify and address tangible things, which would be so much more productive? Why, when we’re inventing conflict, do we antagonize people for the reactions within us that they elicit, usually without meaning to?

Why do we complain about the same things repeatedly when change is always available? Why is it so taboo to explore options and responsibilities instead of griping and blaming? Why do we cling to the pain instead of the ways out of it?

Why do we, as adults, treat each other as if the standards pushed on us as kids were ever based on anything but control? Why do we punish each other like incontinent puppies for having inconsistencies? In short, why do we police each other’s expressions of self?

Why are people so hellbent to get back to the overconsumption, crowds, and chaos that we were “deprived of” for a year? Did anybody notice how nice that six feet from overbearing, oversharing, over-staring strangers was? Was it so bad to think twice before spending all your time spending all your money? Did any of us take the chance to reflect and see how much of our developing selves was still compatible with the system that threw so many of us under the bus the second it got tough to keep things running?

Last one: can we normalize breaks? Sensory breaks, productivity breaks, breaks from constant notifications of non events and endless content creation (for who exactly?), breaks to feel and heal, breaks to think before responding, breaks to connect with the inner dimensions and integrate the lessons of the outer dramas, and so on? I’m tired, you’re tired, it’s time to decriminalize breaks.

Public Goods

What a Hell of a moment, right?

I know it’s hard to watch what’s going on out there, and I’m not nailing that to any particular event because there are so many of them every day. A year or so of being inside looking out, wondering what is happening and what will become of the human world has made us all a little raw. Seeing people divided more than ever, numb and callous to each other in so many ways, has a new sting in this shared trauma and drama. Didn’t anybody learn from this? Does anybody ever? Feels like we keep acting out the same roles on different stages, with different masks. Why do we keep showing up?

Don’t worry, you too will eventually no longer be shocked by the audacious malice of the self-styled ruling class and the abundant stupidity of the general population of Earth.  You too will eventually narrow your focus to the immediate more than the crane shot. You too will stop taking hard sides to be sorted into an engineered cultural narrative when extreme polarity is just two flavors of insanity. You too will get tired of the game you’re coerced to play and learn to develop your own.

This moment is designed to sort us into boxes, drive us to hate each other, push us into some conflict or other that helps justify more control and less humanity. Buck that trend. Go the other way. Here’s a target for you: authentic kindness is one of a few precious things that will never get old, and there isn’t nearly as much competition there as in the blame game. You can bring more good into the world than you might currently imagine is possible. Surprise yourself. Surprise us all.

As you get over and break up with the greater hum of human society while finding ways to survive emotionally and economically within it, you will grow to understand that you can effortlessly exist at different levels of the same game. No matter how sick “the world” gets under the watch of myopic humans with memories goldfish can now safely mock, there’s always the real thing beyond the walls and the matrices. 

That good old world that never got old, the clock-less ever that patiently waits for us to change or get out of the way, the thing every culture has a different name for and every individual has to recognize within themselves, that thing goes on. The reality of interconnected harmony that persists forever just outside of our foolishness will, once it notices you noticing it, charm you away from trying to be a martyr. 

Of course you want to save the world. You still love it, despite it. People too, even after all that’s happened. Your heart still glows like the last ember of a forgotten fire. They didn’t snuff you out, and the angels love you for that. Never lose the impulse, it’s who you really are. Bless you for your persistence in the face of all the smoke and mirrors of this world under a thousand shadows.

It’s so easy to give up and cop out but it won’t give you the ease it advertises. Be aware but don’t be destroyed by the awareness. May you and I and everyone pass effortlessly from innocence to horror to misanthropy to integration to right livelihood and simply doing what we can as we can. The world doesn’t belong to us, to steal or to save. It never did and never could. But your life does belong to you and whoever and whatever you choose to spend time and energy with or on.

The human shaped vehicles for entropy that “run” the world are so disconnected from your concerns as a sensitive with intact intelligence that no amount of rage or riot will touch them. They’ll always have more force. You gotta work smarter, not harder. Empire and total colonization is the long game for them. Divesting from and displacing the control grid is the long game for us. Stop giving them your money and your time and your fear and your hate. Just cut the little goblins off. 

Of course you’re mad, you ought to be mad as hell. We may be on the cusp of some science fiction world with regard to tech but we’re still hundreds of years behind socially. Riot and violence have their place, and condemning the people who engage in them to feel seen is not helping things improve, but the real problem is that there even are separate economic and justice systems for what amounts to castes anyway. We must outlive the dinosaurs keeping us in the old ways and outgrow this decrepit society.

But again, that is the long game. We are all quite well trained to demand instant gratification. So okay, you want a big shortcut to a more satisfying and less alienating life? Find a path to service. You will see joy and relief and make discoveries about yourself. You will meet enough people who are trying to help that you won’t believe it’s all darkness anymore. You will breathe again. Don’t y’all miss breathing?

The darkness seems all encompassing and insurmountable but that’s just it’s sales pitch. It is huge, and everywhere, but it is fragile and depends on you having faith in its inevitability. It sustains itself on that fear. You are its blood supply. Once you realize the darkness is also vulnerable, you are on the way to being larger than it can ever be. You are of another energy.

So start retuning your receiver to get away from the flypaper of always on dread and pomp and remember the quiet, good news. Get up tomorrow or start today over and be glad you have the awareness that work needs to be done. Be glad that you have some degree of agency and power to do something positive, and find what that means for you. Do not let the weight of our shared predicament keep you small. You didn’t come here to wither, but to grow. The world is backward, but you can go your own way.

Oh, and when you feel yourself starting to rise, grab somebody and pull them up a little without worrying if they notice or appreciate. I promise the seeds will germinate eventually. As annoying a request as this may be: Don’t worry about it. Just keep going.

This is where a lot of people would fill another 6 pages telling you what to go do that fits their definition of good. I recognize your sovereign right to decide what that means for yourself, so I’ll pass the candle to you. Take the light where you think it needs to be. Thank you for your service.

Controlled Burn

Earlier tonight I found myself walking through an empty grocery store, holding a wine bottle by the neck as if I expected I'd have to brandish it. I'd love to tell you it's the first time my body has improvised a weapon without consulting my mind. My hands know the right shapes, the right heft. I have avoided violence as a rule, but my body calculates constantly. It's like I downloaded experiential wisdom from some ancient former life. I carry iron in each pocket and have forgotten the weight.

Five minutes earlier in the parking lot, I'd passed a pack of meathead crackers, sharing a brain between them as is so often the case. They'd locked their lifted, immaculately clean and overpowered truck, and had giggled like glue sniffing schoolboys when a 150 decibel foghorn had shaken the parking lot and scared the dinner out of half the people working in the front of the shop. Casual sadism, no doubt a family tradition for each. Inside I passed eggs on clearance, but thought better of it. These idiots usually know cops’ first names.

Not fifteen minutes later pulling out of the gas station I saw something shudder in the corner of my eye and it took me half a minute down the road to realize it was a human being trying to sleep in a tattered blue sleeping bag with a suitcase for a pillow. Somehow sleeping under stadium lights in a gas station parking lot in the dead of December was the best option. This is not a society. Normal is a meaningless word. I see more of it every single day, and have no better insight as to how to assist systemic, exponentially increasing poverty.

How in the hell, I ask you, is this the lighthouse of the world? Where, in these newly dead cities, is the fabled American dream? Did it ever exist, or was it just a perfect grift that finally ran out of steam? Hundreds of thousands dead and dying, millions facing eviction or starvation and even now being screamed at to work for the machine or otherwise being shamed for doing they have to do to simply exist in this rigged fear farm that gnaws our bones from inside. America got the plague, pretended it didn't exist or at least wasn’t as important as fucking shopping, and let everything that didn't serve the empire perish. One day there will be nothing but Amazon, Wal-Mart, and tent cities. We're killing the poor, the old, the kids, every speck of diversity. Soon the only jobs will be soldiers cops and morgues.

The horror of America isn't just that it's dead. It's that we're still expected to keep its corpse in motion. The emperor has no clothes, and the empire has no soul. We are citizens in name only, driven by arcane forces to grind the stone that crushes us. No dignity, no stimulus, no meaningful reform of any kind, literal Alzheimer patients making the laws for generations they can't possibly understand in a future they'll never suffer. Once you finally see the rot beyond the veneer, you never leave the verge of rage.

I need you to hear something. Red and blue are not opposing sides. Neither of them gives a hot shit about regular people, period. Red and blue make purple. Purple is the color of royalty. Why? Because once, before we turned the planet into a sweatshop, purple dye was only available from one species of mollusc that lived in one part of the Mediterranean Sea. It took almost ten thousand of the little things to make a gram of the dye. Only the "royals" could even experience this color. Then, as now, a small group of ridiculous people thought they deserved the most special thing because they were blind to the humanity of the people around them. The inbreeding and access to standing armies may have contributed. Purple then became the color of the religious elite, again, the "special" people who talked to God, as if God isn't vibrating in every atom of this astonishing universe. But I digress. The point is that neither "side" is yours. They don't work for you, however hard you might work for them. They tell gorgeous lies, and they never deliver, and they never will. They work together to keep the purple flowing out of your blood and into their bank accounts. Incidentally, the reason purple is cheap now is because it was accidentally synthesized while somebody was working on quinine. Everything is connected.

I hate that I'm this cynical but it's informed cynicism, dammit. I was born in Cape Fear Hospital, but I was raised in Hope Mills. I try to keep that symbolic shift in my heart, but I'm only able to make enough hope for my vicinity, day to day and second to second. I can manage perhaps a candle's worth of light these days. My spotlight is flickering, and might burn out. I no longer hold real hope for this nation, if it is even such a thing anymore. What hope there is lives with the individual. Wake up from the trance of the dead and redefine what life is beyond the programming you've been beaten with since your first breath, and then shake the next person awake when they're ready. COVID-19 isn't the only thing spread person to person, and it isn't the true target of all these dress rehearsal dystopias either. They aren't doing this to keep us safer, they're doing it to keep us asleep and contained and plugged in because this all runs on our blood and essence and compliance. There's a reason these metaphors come up so often in fiction. It's the only place you can talk about it.

2020 has been a syphilitic dog in heat from Hell humping every hole we have. I have been lucky because I am a natural shape shifter. I have taken the forms I've needed to from hour to hour and day to day. I leaned into the chaos in a field where that was an opportunity to do a little good, and that is what has kept me from the brink of absolute shrieking madness, but if this all goes on as it has, one day the chaos will be overwhelming. One day my hand will reach for whatever it needs in a moment of horrible clarity and it will strike the mark and things will never be the same again. We have come full circle, and learned nothing.

I pray, every moment of my life, that I am wrong. Another world has always been possible, and I beg each of you to unplug and invoke it. May this nation-sized corpse prison and all its impurities burn away in the funeral pyre of an empire that never deserved a second of power.



Many people have been called to contact their governors, mayors, police departments and other organizations who have recently been party to unnecessary death. We’re so used to looking up to these people for answers that we forgot how to question them. They rely on that for their existence. So after getting sent to voicemail, I decided to write you a sample script to adapt as you may need if you find yourself in the same situation.

Hello, and thank you for avoiding my call. Guess what? I am one of THOUSANDS you will get. You will not evade us with voicemail screens or busy signals. You have relied on hiding behind a system that keeps us busy cradle to grave to make your moves in shadow but now we’re home. We have time. We have the right. This is where the castle crumbles. This is your Jericho. Get ready. The trumpets will blow and the Earth will shake.

This is not the Age of Aquarius. This is the Age of Accountability. We ran out of flowers, now we bring fire.

We are done asking permission. We are done bailing out our tapeworms. We are done scratching our heads and letting things go on like this like helpless children with abusive parents. This is our world too. When the status quo becomes an unbearable horror, we REPLACE the status quo.

I may not be your constituent, but I represent a legion of people in ALL directions. You are surrounded. You will not facilitate, excuse, or participate in murder ANY MORE from this day. You will do no institutionalized harm without it being brought to light and without YOURSELVES being brought to answer for your errors.

It says “justice for all” and WE WILL HAVE IT, one way or another. This is your shot to keep your little bubble from being popped. Do the right thing, NOW, or know that your own judgment awaits. This is not a personal threat. This is the awareness that balance is happening, at last. Assist it or perish.

There’s your message. Pick up and listen next time. Go now, and do your job while you have it.

Death-Urge 2020: Why America is Summoning Its Own Destruction and Why You Don't Have to Help That Happen

ATTENTION: Thanks to the mass abandonment of responsibility for personal and collective imagination, the vast majority of human beings on this planet are living in a bad movie.

Specifically, they (and to varying degrees, we) are smack dab in the guts of a situation that can best be described as a cosmic horror trilogy. The inspiration for this lies in allowing the most satirical aspects of apocalypse culture to fester in our back-brains marinating in a broth of cynicism and denial until, decades of fermentation later, our incredible creative powers (temporarily hijacked by those who know the way) have birthed forces to undo all that we have wrought and accelerate the slide into a solid silicon surveillance state.

We really love to feel smarter than the rubes we often are. The plain truth is that human psychology is a territory that is more fully mapped every day, and for longer than we'd like to admit, enough of it has been mapped to make steering societies a pretty basic process. The machine puts out what the people’s collective dreaming puts in. All one needs to create virtual realities that taste like the real thing is access to the control panels of media and a population weary enough to accept whatever it's damn well told. We’re all wearing masks over our masks, and some folks just got a sudden taste for bleach.

Now, don't get me wrong, it isn’t all farce and no fear. The dangers are real. Different parts of the population are being groomed and pushed for different purposes. Some have been trained to do literally anything this President tells them to, right up to ignoring protection measures and ingesting poison as a cure, because they have fully embraced the delusion that he is "their" President, leading them away from “THEM” (those poor, deluded fools who speak in opposition to Dear Leader). There are also those at the other extreme, getting us used to ideas like forced innoculation, permanent furlough, and being tracked cradle-to-grave. For some of us, these ideas are almost nostalgic, because 20 years ago, they were just ideas. Now, these things are being run as drills, pitched on the news, and sold to the public. Even the most paranoid conspiracy theorists of the last century didn't imagine things would actually get this close to their nightmares.

Like any good predator, the control system presents itself as a necessary evil, a savior, or just part of the scenery to be ignored, shifting shapes as needed to preserve its authority and encroaching dominion over the future of this world. The neighborhood child molester hangs out online pretending to be a peer, and the government hangs out on TV, pretending to be either the voice of reason or the most audacious parody of itself possible. As above, so below. The end is the same, regardless of the scale.

The virus is real, the deaths are real, and the insanity of ignoring the contagion are real. The permanent or semi-permanent shifts in economy are real. The opportunistic infection of government overreach is also quite real, and darker than the worst visions of straight-to-video science fiction. Things are being discussed on mainstream television that used to be reserved for the yellowing journals of schizophrenics.

How did we get here? Well, one can speculate. Starting in the late 40’s, the shock of Auschwitz and the guilt of Hiroshima inspired a deep dread of the future. Drastic changes were made in the way we did everything, with every generation born so far from the last that hardly anybody carries the memory of what worked before we handed the keys to Daddy Warbucks. I fear, often, that when the bottom does fall out, we will have no idea how to rebuild, if indeed we even should. Our digital records won't last beyond the first big solar flare. We abandoned the spiritual for the material, now our entire world is built on the virtual and the ephemeral. We have lost our story and our storytellers. Our myths come to us from those who need us to make the world for them. One way or another, it's fair to say that our most feared enemies have bested us in the balance of history, for we are becoming them. On some level, it must be hilarious, but from here, it's heavy, draining, and anything but funny for most of us.

Now here's the good news: This machinery, this madness, this matrix only works if we cooperate with it! We have been trained from birth to look at government as a surrogate parent, the abusive stepdad we're stuck with for life because they protect us from whispered terrors and creeping death. The truth is, we adopted them, not the other way around. In a crisis, most of us come together in ways that are far superior to any system of forced harmonization. The same goes for the various aspects that cooperate to form what we call ourselves. So within, so without. The drive to coerce others to do what we think is in the interest of greater good is tireless but also fruitless. The real work is inside, and if it works, it makes ripples. Ripples become waves, and waves move things across oceans. Our problem is we keep trying to throw people into our lifeboats. Not everyone wants to go where you're going, or even wants to be saved! Some people just like to flop around in the water, sharks or not. You cannot persuade madness. This is where, and why, government always fails. We aren't a herd animal, just a bunch of sovereign beings who traded freedom for convenience so long ago it almost feels natural.

You are a part of a Grand Pause, the first of its kind. Maybe you lost your job, and that could be a death or a victory for you. Maybe your job goes on but in a form that gives you new slack and turns down the burnout. Maybe you found a new job, born of the chaos. Maybe you’re at ground zero filling up the makeshift morgues while the rest of us have the luxury of pondering. Maybe you found yourself with "time enough at last" for the passions that you let rot on the vine out of some martyr complex. Well, good news, martyrs die. You're the ghost with the most now, friend. Let the old you die, and let that give way to new life.

Maybe this is a time of real panic and struggle for you, and maybe it's the first time. Be not afraid. Many, many others surround you who cut their teeth in the last collapse and have the tools to help you, if you can but ask. Maybe you've waited half your life for a chance to be of service. Here it is. Take this moment, this gift, and see what part of the Great Redemption you can play. The Tired Old New World Order is dying and it KNOWS. It's dusting off the jackboot playbook, pulling out all the stops, playing all 23 volumes of Now That's What I Call Dystopia!

But then again, this is 2020 where every month is a 100 years so maybe this was just April. And perhaps, your very own individual May Day can usher in a time of true fertility, if you will but till the garden of your mind, ground your weary feet in the good earth, and see what comes to meet the sunshine. Step one: Unsubscribe to the death-spam. Unplug as able, and definitely steer clear of the idiot box. Go outside. Talk to people, be alive. Redefine your own humanity, right now, while the Adversary is busy daydreaming nightmares, before the hack writers running this place while we all sleep on the job decide to do it for you. A Way Better World needs your permission and cooperation to exist. Thanks in advance for your service! .

Love in the Time of COVID-19 Part 3: Time Enough at Last

The old fortune-cookie curse goes, "May you live in interesting times," and what an interesting time indeed it is for our Procasti-Nation.

The thing about being an American(and at this stage maybe just being part of the modern world) is that the clock starts running as soon as you take that first breath. Open your eyes for the first time in air, and you're blasted with harsh synthetic light, rushed from the first moment. Out of mama, scrubbed clean, thrown in a warmer, shot full of vitamins and whatever else, and wrapped like a to-go order. In the better hospitals you're right back to mom for bonding time, and you'll ideally get a good helping of that. Blink and you're 1, 2, 3. Crawling, walking, talking, and being nudged toward the next steps on the road. Preschool preps you for kindergarten, grade school for high school, college for life and career, or so the story goes. Then you're on the treadmill until it's time to lie down forever; and that's life, that's normal.

You catch yourself looking around to see if everyone's really doing this. You internalize the question and wonder what's wrong with you, for you don't love the fish-tank and you still daydream about open water. The layers of shame pile up and weigh down. You find yourself always a little tired, always a little grouchy, and no matter what, just unsatisfied enough to keep you tethered to what you constantly reassure yourself is a temporary depression. It's not that you aren't grateful. Indeed if you pause to reflect you see that you have so much going for you. Even if you don't have what you want, you likely have what you need. But how you punish yourself for this, when you remember how many do not!

Empathy has become recently celebrated (and will no doubt be plasticized and made a commodity any second now) but while it is a beautiful quality for humans to have, it is also a path of exhaustion. So you're emotionally drained by the state of things because you feel that stark inequality and see it around you, and you are sickened by the costs paid by the planet for the way humans choose to live. You're physically exhausted because your eternal moment has been sliced and diced into days and then hours and then minutes. You're mentally exhausted because even the seconds are being colonized by the constant buzzing and bells of that ravenous little portal in your pocket. You're spiritually exhausted because giving up infinity to play at being human hurts in a way language will never touch. Some say it's all part of a plan unknown to us, or that we all chose this and forgot on purpose to make it mean something.

If we didn't choose this, if we are children of chaos rather than divinity, then we're just HERE. Ever at the grindstone, constantly sharpening a knife edge that we also have to walk on. It's no wonder there's such a fortune in selling people ways to be number and dumber. But I don't believe we're the victims of a blind universe, indifferent though it may be to our microcosmic movies. We are dramatic creatures, and as Shakespeare said, the world IS a stage. We're all acting, we're all "doing a bit," we're all living out scripts. But who's the author, who's the director, and why do we keep remaking the classics of cringe?

Listen, it's okay that we live out stories, that we put on plays. but we're so damned good at it that what we pretend becomes real. If that sounds crazy, think about what you talked about 3 years ago and see if it turned up yet. I'll bet it has. You and I are helping make the world every day with who we are and what we allow in it. That's a true responsibility and we are not acting in our best interest at all. A play? Sure, let's do the Greatest Show on Infinite Earths, but let's get picky, and fast. This performance doesn't have to be the Grand Guignol. We don’t have to keep writing new versions of the Trauma Sutra.

Humans have a problem: We worship toil. Work is one thing, work is holy in its way because it allows us to give of ourselves to create a better place for ourselves and all. But like so many times before, we have formed a cult around a false idol: work for its own sake. Work as virtue, sacrifice as sacrament. Oh, how we love to be slaves. We talk a good game but we line up with wrists out for handcuffs every time the going gets rough these days. Oh, that Adversary works constantly at slipping bitters in the honey and casting shadows with its puppets. We tolerate it, we expect it, we cooperate with it. We even seek it when there's a lapse.

We just can't seem to break up with the worst parts of society or their internal counterparts, or the people this discrepancy attracts to us. The fair weather friends who never quite say a good word, the judgmental family, the toxic boss, the partner that eats you like a trigger buffet, these all go unchallenged until we're fed up enough to act. On a grand scale, it's time for us to do the same, but we are so very lazy, so afraid to take the chance on a better world.

So, like a benevolent parent who knows the best things for you need to seem like your idea to get done, Nature, or God, or the universe, or whatever gets the job done for you, has really done us a solid via COVID-19. Are people dying? Absolutely. Are the various arms of the government failing to meet the needs of the people? Of course, that ‘s what they do here. If they could that, they'd be out of a job already, but that's beside the point.

Since we're talking of being on stage, here's a poem for you: Roses are red, violets are blue, governments don't give a damn about you. Government is not there to be a surrogate father or a counterfeit savior. It is, at best, there to keep us just enough alive to stay in line so that The Show goes on and The House gets paid. The show hasn't stopped for centuries, and the monotony has ground our brains to paste. We say the lines but we yearn to improvise. It gets old and it hurts but it doesn't have to hurt all the time. The trick to getting through the play on the Main Stage is to sneak into the audience once in a while and really watch. After a while you start to notice little glitches in the illusion. You see the cue cards, the mic booms, the fact that life is simultaneously a tragedy and a comedy from different angles, which informs your empathy while it restores your humor. We're used to consuming, convinced it's what we're here for. We're used to watching, eyes glazed, jaw slack, spine deformed, blood pooling. But we are called from backstage to act! You're here to perform, my friend, a star among stars. Now act like it, before the reaper's rusting vaudeville hook comes to take you back to the costume department.

In this particular, peculiar moment that some have coined The Great Pause, you've got a chance to slip backstage and try on some new outfits without the usual risk. See, the big machine has parked and the engine is idling. The treadmill isn't budging. You can hop off and go your own way for a while. See the sights, but see them for yourself this time. Get your shoes dirty, get a little color. Listen to the sounds of nature returning. Whether you do this literally or metaphorically, take a notebook on the journey and start writing your own script again. You're going to need it. The projectors are broken, and the writers have been furloughed. The Old Show ain't coming back. The one thing I can agree with the "elite" on is this: crisis is opportunity. They have their ways of taking advantage, but now it's your turn.

It's as if the world finally got tired of waiting for us, and put the emergency brake on this runaway train at last. The situation seems to say, "Okay, that ten thousand years didn't work! So now what?" On a collective level we're being asked to finally re-think the status quo before it becomes our epitaph. We're being challenged to dissect and reassemble the entire way we live, and it's terrifying, but it's also exactly what we need. We always say, "it has to get worse before it gets better," and look, it sure did. Does it need to get even worse? Do we need blackened skies, nuclear rivers and roving gangs of cannibals before it feels like time to change the game? Does half the world have to die of preventable disease, endure preventable poverty, suffer preventable pain until the last terrible instant, because we just can't stay away from our old roles? Let's say no, and let's start from where we are right now.

A ways back I mentioned an episode of The Twilight Zone called "Time Enough at Last." In it, our hero for the hour is a man who simply never seems to be allowed to do the simple thing that gives him pleasure. For him, it's reading. Everywhere he goes, the second he cracks open a book he's chased out as if he'd exposed himself, and in a way, perhaps that's exactly why he was chased out. He is absolutely hounded because he'd rather give some of his time and attention to ideas and imagination than work the levers of the machinery worshiped by those around him. In the end, he secludes, in a bank vault of all places, and later emerges to find himself the sole survivor of a nuclear attack.

After the initial shock of wandering through ruins and finding that his temporary seclusion has become permanent isolation, he grieves, and then adapts. Once he's got the hang of surviving, he happens upon a library. He finally has the time to read. Now because it's The Twilight Zone, there is then an immediate and horrible turn of events. His coke-bottle glasses fall and break just as he's about the dive in to his pile of books. He has all the time in the world, but has lost the agency to do his truest will. Now all he has left is the struggle to go on, but the meaning has been taken from him. This is where I caution you, for while some number of us are still traveling between our sanctuaries and the world that needs our service, many more of us suddenly have "time at last." The great majority of the world is sheltering-in-place, by choice like our man in the vault or by force of many kinds for many purposes. I urge you, ask some questions of yourself right now before you re-enter the world.

We too are often told not to do what we are naturally called to, from childhood on. Many, many years ago, the few convinced the many to trade their freedom for a sense of security. In exchange, we got the world you see and all its woe. We opted to act out a grand tragedy so a few people could sit in the opera seats and enjoy our folly. Now the facades are cracked, the foundations are shifting, and we may all be walking among ruins soon enough. What then will we spend the time on? What world will we build from the bones of this one? But more to the point: What are you doing with this furlough, this firing, this quarantine? What have you been putting off all day, all week, all year, this entire life?

Did you worry what people would say if they saw you? With full respect, to hell with what they'd say. Now they're stuck too, given the same chance to re-cast themselves that you have. Don't worry if they're too invested in their characters to think about a new way to act. Don’t worry if they’re jealous of your new lines, your better role. You've got your own corner of the stage to rehearse in until you're ready to find the spotlight. What will you do with your debut?

You can't wait for “next time,” this time. We may not have a "next time" in us, so it's now or perhaps indeed never. The Adversary and the Control Grid have already figured out how to spin this into getting what they want from you, but what do you want from yourself? The more of us who can answer that and move toward it, the less of us will be available as fuel and food for the Hollow-gram. There are people in those death machines too, of course, as caught up in this as any of us, perhaps full of regret as their castles crumble. May they too be liberated.

For myself, I'm learning to make the most of what's available and share. We're all stuck at home part or full time, and it's our duty, in addition to keeping the home front running, to become amateur alchemists turning old obstacles into new gateways. The time exists to plant and tend the garden, to clean the house, to rebuild the multi-studio and push it into production. The time exists to restore this haggard body to health, to rediscover the spirit, and yes to read the books I collected for "someday." Someday is here, waiting for you break trance. All the energy spent on surviving the "grind" and "hustle" can be put back into making ourselves more perfect instruments of service. All the time we had to give away is now freed to be shared with those we love and whose who need love in these dark days. We have not been operating at capacity, we have been operating under duress. Energy is not destroyed, but in this incredible and unprecedented moment, it can finally be redistributed.

We have many choices to make as a world, and as individuals, but it comes down to finally choosing to live instead of survive. As a bumper sticker I once saw says:

“Life after death? WHY WAIT?"

We have all promised to make the time for so many things that would feed us and each other, if we only had the chance, but we kept disqualifying the moment as insufficient. We kept giving the parasite permission to starve us. We let the perfect choke the good, and now, it's not up to us anymore. The time has arrived. What will we make of it? I'll leave you with that question. I'd love to hear what you're doing with this opportunity but I insist: answer with your works, not just your words. Consider the children being born at home in this moment, freed of at least the beginning of the programming that traps us in the failing and fading punch-clock world. You too, perhaps, are being born again. May your find your way back to who you really are, and give that gift to us now,, when we need it most. Happy resurrection!

Here we all are at the end of the movie.

You know, I've often thought that it would take something unimaginable to wake people the rest of the way up. We're so damned stubborn. We always hit snooze. Every unveiling reveals another layer in the infinite onion of self delusion that we have crafted to insulate our species from the glaringly obvious knowledge of our own mortality. Every new environmental movement keeps us from quite having to touch and be burnt by our own interdependent relationship to the world we've scooped out to make room for our stuff. As has been said if we could feel it pure for one moment we would never stop screaming, and yet every time we nudge ourselves toward illumination the pendulums we worship with our fears swing us back into some new dark age.

Yet, in this moment, this chrysalis dressed as a plague, do we finally stir? Do we dare to crack these lidded eyes, riddled with a thousand years of that crust our mamas said was left by the Sandman to give us our dreams; the dreams that yawned into nightmares, from which we built entire counterfeit universes to hide from the mirror? That mirror! Obsidian, edge-less, flawless, and ignored so perfectly we bump into it and take its retractions as being separate worlds shaped like other beings that we must compete with for some ephemeral share of fragile material that becomes another prison of comfort for the seconds until we're bored again.

At first we laughed it off. Just another flu season. Just a bit of a cough. Then it got a little closer but it was still "their" problem. Those people over there, so different, it can't happen here! But it always does, doesn't it? Funny thing about that. Then we braced for impact but conjured up undue faith that the house of cards would stave off the mounting winds. We cried for the surrogate father, we were told the familiar lies, and some novel ones. The Ones Who Know turned crisis into opportunity. The darkness found its advantage and stretched insatiable tendrils into new crevices to drain them of their vitality. The emotional children we call our elders gave the reigns to the bone machine again, betrayed the future, showed us all the system was never here to serve us, unless it was on a plate to some ghastly thing with ever-gnashing teeth and never-filled stomachs.

Here, as the age of the blind ape fades, at last, the animals we deny kinship with creep back onto the land that was theirs and will be again. The waters and the air return to the purity they had before. We are being shown the form the world yearns to return to, and being offered the choice to help it happen or be collateral damage in the salvation of a creation much older and far, far holier than we. We know it. We finally feel the weight of an entire species falling out of balance with its own world. The bill for our collective folly has come due again. Will we pay with grace or have it taken from us by force? We cower not from some great power from the skies but from the invisible nemesis we have unleashed and empowered with our ignorance. We struggle to trust the deceivers that live by pretending they'll solve the problems they cause. The powers of the air cause the problem, they push the narrative, they sell the solution. A scam as old as our schizophrenic race. When will we get the joke and hang the clown? When will we realize it was us betraying us the whole time? The ultimate conspiracy is internal.

Some cry pandemonium in the face of pandemic, but there are no accidents in a universe too perfect for the human mind to understand. The corona is here. The crown virus will strip away the false royals of dying empires and we will have, for this brief window, the chance to coronate ourselves. This gravity in your heart is the weight of the corpses you are dragging, the chain of selves that you fought so hard to preserve at the detriment of the one that yearns to be seen and lived. Which parts of you did you kill, and where did you bury them? Only you know what that means to you, but you do know, don't you?

Every time we almost rise from our graves most of us are are coaxed back into coffins by the monster of the moment. It almost happened 19 years ago. Now COVID-19 is being used to do it again. The story we are being sold is of collapse, panic, a call to embrace dystopia for survival into a world where no one will ever actually live. It's as true as we allow it to be. We are the great magicians who call the world into existing with our compliance, our complacency, and our misplaced faith in authority that comes from nowhere. The most paranoid phantasms of conspiracy theory are breathing down our necks as increasingly immediate realities. The old world feels its death as we wake, and it wants us to join it in its desperation. It will not go quietly. It will not go without dragging as many of it as it can into the great grinder at the center of what we call time, for lack of a more accurate word. Many in their fear will join it, oil the machine, and feed it their loved ones to stay here an extra second.

But not you. You're allergic to the "new world order," because you were raised in chaos. Its in your blood, in your marrow. It shaped your musculature, gave you new reflexes. You saw this coming before you could do anything but cry. Sometimes it's still all you can do. It's OK. This is death. It doesn't feel good until it's over, and then it pays back all that pain with interest. You'll see, and you know in your heart. You have eyes to see and ears to hear in a world where the one eyed monster is king and everyone's got headphones in. It's dog eat dog world, but you were never meant to be food. You burn to feed others. But first, you have to find your own tree of knowledge, and eat the fruit of your spirit. Then you can finally pull out all the cables, cut all the ties, walk out of the comfortable shadows and bring your torch to the ones who are ready to see.

The Hollow-gram has never been louder, and never more invasive. You won't reach everyone. Don't worry. We are distributing this labor/pain worldwide across the mycelial network. You'll graduate from the Invisible College and touch the ones you're meant to. The ones you don't, you can't. Don't do this to feel cool. Don't do this to feel holy. You are not the surgeon, you are the instrument. You are striving to embody the Great Work of resurrecting the body of Christ one human life at a time. That's what matters, not you. Sorry. But don't lose the love for yourself, and don't collapse before the world does.

The media mediates. It divides, and its masters conquer. Do not listen to the sirens lest you wreck your ship and drown. As best you can, be not afraid. The angels always open with that because we're so prone to shrink in the presence of light, even as now, when it's dressed as the darkest moment of recent history. Oh a part of us wants it so bad. We know we lost our way, we revel in the suffering that we feel we deserve. We perpetuate the fractalized toxic relationship that begins inside and spirals out across the planet and MY GOD THE HORROR CAN ECLIPSE YOU but do not let it. Do not pledge your allegiance to dead flags and false idols.

Smile through the torture. Laugh at the jackals that threaten to pick your bones. The "main stream" is a poisoned river. Ignore the story that you're dying with the black iron prison and choose to write your own, finally, goddammit. The lives we worked decades to build are falling apart like scarecrows in a hurricane and this finally shows us how pointless our disguises are, no matter how perfect, no matter how much money and time and blood we poured into them. What matters, at last, is who we were before we let someone else tell us who to be.

Do you see it? Do you see the silhouette of that quivering child against the flames of this false world as it burns and as its counterpart in your spirit is consumed? Reach out to it. Call it forth. Let it tell you what to do next. It was waiting for you. Wake, and embrace that little warrior that fought off death for your entire life to give you the chance to be its realization after you at last got tired of playing a role you weren't cast for.

The land cries out for relief. We will return to it one way or another, either as its faithful stewards as intended or as the soil of the next aeon from which a new world may some day sprout seeds after the death we have sown gives way to new life. The great show is over. The house lights are on. Time for us to see who we are when we're not in the dark and we're not distracted by some all-consuming fiction. Mourn not the caterpillar you were. It has been destroyed and reintegrated along an ineffable order higher than any human construction, and now your real colors are at last available.

Dry your wings. Take back the sky.

Love in the Time of COVID-19 Part 2: CoronaQuest 2020

So,how’s that gallows humor holding up?

The thing about being able to laugh at impending doom is it helps you remember how good you actually have it. Now, I understand that this situation is a gut punch to just about everyone, but like everything on this planet it's happening on a spectrum. The situation is quite serious, and yet it is also in its way a game with a variety of available camera angles. If you're playing with the default settings, you've had a life of following the usual game arc, which usually happens as we bounce between polarities:

  • Unexpected existence

  • Childhood with love or without

  • Education or lack thereof

  • Career of passion or survival

  • Pairing up based on childhood trauma or healthy patterns based on respect and love

  • Coping mechanisms as occasional or dominant activities

  • Deficit mindset or expectation of abundance

The laws of thermodynamics apply fairly well on a personal level as well, so up to now a vastly disproportionate number of us have been sort of dragged along with the lot we got cast in early life, playing out the echoes and expected meanderings. “The poor stay poor, the rich get rich, that's how it goes, everybody knows."

This bleak cynical abandon is what the system relies upon. You know what happens to people who get rid of literal parasites? Their frenetic cravings for junk are replaced by genuine rediscovery of the foods they enjoyed before they became hosts. Their digestion works again, they become vibrant and they start to remember who they really are as they come back to a life that they no longer share with a gut full of vampires. I ran my digital mouth enough last post about parasitism and politics, no need to retread that here. What's important here is that compliance is voluntary, and dissent is available.

Hundreds of years ago, societies based their years on the planting cycle. Rather than January, the new year was closer to the Spring Equinox. It was the return of life to the world after the cold and barren winter. Resurrection was a theme, see also Easter. And above all, the sense was one of potential. New crops, new bounty, new possibilities for growth of all kinds. And here we are, being pushed into a new world on what used to be the new year. COVID-19 began as a rumor, mutated into racist memes about questionable soup, and enjoyed a stay in the denial buffer America depends upon for psychological survival at the end of empire. I'm guilty myself of a few hard eye rolls, I mean the timing, right? Always a crisis, right on schedule, just in time for elections. But it hovered and cast long shadows and then arrived home in a big way.

The schools closed and we got that because there's no better playground for microorganisms (besides perhaps a pediatrician's waiting office). Parents who used school as respite are being forced to come to grips with the reality that they do indeed have human beings to love and care for. Then two weeks became a month, and that became "see you next year." Families who never really trusted public school are getting their feet wet with home schooling, while leaning on relatives or friends and passing the hot potato of what work remains to keep income going and the bills paid. Families who already did all these things ahead of the curve are having a moment for a well-deserved smirk. Single parents are basically crucified and the usual relief valves are quite firmly closed at the moment. Take a minute and think about the people whose world went from hard to impossible overnight.

Almost all our jobs suddenly sent us home and those of us lucky enough to be able to do things virtually were met with future shock that quickly gave way to gratitude. We are allowed to be a little snarky at how easily some of these things could have been done all along, but the point is that we can still work and provide, even if for many of us that means constant risk. It's my worry that people may find their jobs aren't there when we're all ready to back to normal.

The reality is there may not be a normal to go back to. Many people have already felt the axe, victims of big corporate layoffs or small business deaths, both of which came without warning. Health care workers are asked to take risks every day, especially at the hospitals that have become ground zero. I live in a town whose population is dominated by seniors and students in equal measure, but I haven’t seen them change much despite the screaming statistics. What I have seen is a flurry of signs go up all over town with messages like "TAKE OUT ONLY" or "BEER TO GO" or the especially poignant "WE ARE STILL OPEN." I've seen people lining up, with social distancing enforced by tape and increasingly loud signs. People have stopped mobbing each other for toilet paper, but we're all getting used to waiting our turns to get stuff you can actually eat. I haven't seen this kind of civility since preschool, frankly. I hope we can keep it up, but I also wonder how long it'll be before the roads become the exclusive domain of the police. It’s hard to know how to feel about it, however essential it may be.

I won't say "we told you so," but the dark dystopian spirits we've celebrated in fiction are being invoked into the verge of reality. A terrified public is the wet dream of the techno-dictatorship which has quietly grown around our love of gadgets and soft life and denial of the costs of living in a bubble. The fears that some of us have carried for a generation are coming to pass. If we play from 1st person perspective only, we will see the world as threats to be destroyed and resources to be pillaged. We will thereby surely be drawn into becoming self-serving, predatory remote agents of the system that is so desperate to maintain itself. We will bring on the dark end we fear. In that way, the paranoia is the virus.

If we, however, switch to the overview, perspective will bring empathy and strength to the scared. We can band together like the leukocytes that serve as the boots on the ground in our immunity wars, we can subvert the last gasp of the fear-based world and assist the world to return to a health unknown for centuries. Learning to switch between bird's eye view and first person is a skill we will all need, and if you can dwell in both, you'll be an incredible asset to yourself, your family, and your fellow humans.

For some, this has been a true boon, which I'll talk about next time. For now, what I want to explore is what we can do to help each other, because we are being forced into the collaborative effort which was once the hallmark of our species. Pray for eyes to see and ears to hear, and let your incredible brain become an engine for assistance. Get your house in order, and then look for ways to help. If you can do it through work, do. If you are called to reach out creatively, get on it. If you crave direct action, get your hands dirty (but wash them!). Some part of you is essential, so get to know yourself and honor your gifts by sharing them. Ask for help, and give it freely when asked of you. Educate yourself on the skills you didn't think you'd need, while the web is there, in case it isn't someday. Network, physically, with people around you so the neighborhood isn't a prison. Do you have a surplus? Share it. Do you MacGuyver your way through life? Teach us how to do it too!

This is the moment, and now is the time. More on that next post. Big takeaway: You will either spend the next months petrified by fear or empowered to live as you have longed to for years. I think you know which one I'll recommend. A few simple ideas:

Be aware, but remember that media is prone to infection by agenda and tends to insulate. Become the media, if you can! Show us your story.

Be safe, but don't be quick to give freedoms away. As we learned from the now-eternal “War on Terror,” total security is a dangerous myth.

Be strong, but stay tender. Be kind, but start with yourself. You can't serve if you’re a husk.

Dream. We can already hear a new world inside the dying body of the old one, but it has to have a way to get here. Find your role in that.

Take care but take control. Don’t let the fight or flight circuit rob you of your sovereign will and power to shape your own reality. The black iron prison is about to collapse, and a lot of energy will be spent making it seem like we have to build it bigger to survive. That's a trap.

In the cultures we have dismissed as primitive, boys are pushed into manhood by enduring something akin to death and coming out stronger. Women, of course, are pushed into womanhood not only by pregnancy and childbirth but by enduring the slings and arrow of being female on a world run by emotionally crippled boys pretending to be men. But this time, it’s all of us, and right now. After centuries of quiet desperate obedience, humanity is finally being collectively initiated into adulthood. There will be a vast trial by many ordeals, and some will crumble, and some will fall, and some will emerge reborn with a new consciousness and role to play. The phoenix waits as the flames are fanned.

The apocalypse is actually happening. What will you do to make it work for you, and what will you do to help your neighbors, friends and maybe a few former enemies in the still-unimaginable aftermath?

Love in the Time of COVID-19: Or, How I Learned to Stop Freaking Out and Look for the Silver Lining in the Mouth of Death

You know, one might imagine that the fellow who went and registered apocalypsefatigue.org as a personal website would have been a lot more talkative this year. I mean, we've had the threat of World War 3, continents on fire, and now plague appears to be on the verge of ravaging the world in a way not seen for 100 years. Sure has the stink of Pockyclipse, don't it? Shouldn't your humble host be chomping at the bit to wax poetic about the sudden trend toward catastrophe and collapse? Doesn't he kinda.. like it?

Well, here's the thing: I'm as surprised as you are. I tend to lean on these things pretty hard. I'm a morbid guy, what can I say? My first memory is meeting my great grandma, my next is her funeral. My early highlight reel has a lot of death, sorry. It's how it went down for me. Thank goodness for gallows humor, and a few decades practice before the fan started getting pelted with you know what.

2019 was like being dragged behind a truck through a minefield for most people I know and I vowed to make 2020 the freshest start I could. We took hits to the pocket like a lot of people. I worked overtime to help us float. I saw my career flicker as healthcare companies were forced by Medicare changes to SHOW THEIR WORK. Lawdy lawdy, accurate payment for accurate service. The HORROR. Anyway, what it meant was a job market dryer than a Martian lake as predatory profiteers went into panic mode and laid off like it was Detroit in the 80s. So I shape-shifted, because that's what you do when the terrain becomes hostile. I took a rope thrown to me by an old mentor and it took me in a direction where I could use my degree in a way I didn't expect. And I leaned in.

I also recorded what are frankly some banger episodes of my podcast, I set up a Patreon, and set the intention to accept the kindness of others for giving my best. I figured I'd make the best of being a home health therapist in an unfamiliar market and then the whole world fell into a rabbit hole once reserved for the fringes of twilight-hour AM radio. And the part of the world in my immediate vicinity smirked and said, "Oh you got your road all worked out? Hold my Corona, kid."

I believe the old saying goes, "If you want to make God laugh, plan." And here we all are. And here I am, writing about writer's block, because life is inherently absurd. But not inherently bad, despite the agressive advertsing to the contrary of late. Depending on who you ask (or endure the rants of) COVID-19 is a bioweapon, a side effect of questionable dining habits, the final solution to the primate problem, or a hoax designed to trick us into strolling into permanent cages.

Whatever reality the above may have, here's what I know: It ain't here to pass out cake and free passes to Disneyland! It's real enough and it poses questions we must finally answer about how seriously to take our responsibility to each other. The apocalypse is back in a big way, kids, and don't you forget what the word really means: The Great Peekaboo is upon us! We're finally waking up from the American Dream. Thank the deity of your choice. It's a miracle wrapped inside a nightmare.

We are being made vividly aware that the Verbal Hologram is chock full of holes. We're talking Swiss cheese, moth sweater, galaxy sized holes my friends. You could fly a plane through them if you could still fly a plane. Money is fake, news is lies, government is woefully unqualified to lead anything but lemmings. The hospitals will flood and fail and the cemeteries will swell because people are encouraged to embrace their worst aspects and it's too late for a lot of people to shake the trance and accept the vast responsibility we all have to each other. We grew up in a lattice of lies and the dust of a couple generations neglect is bringing down the house of cards. America the Beautiful Delusion. The Land of the Free to Pretend and the Home of the Brave to Buy the Company Line. It's over kids. The emperor has no clothes and he hasn't washed his privates in rather a long time. The Great Destroyer is showing up to strip the bones of the golden calf. The bill has arrived, and we're gonna pay it in blood this time. The illusion is on fire. The projector is failing. The carnival is OVER.

You know what? Good. It's high time we learned to take care of ourselves and each other because it's clear our caretakers are very poor stewards of the human garden indeed. The governments (that translates to binders of the mind, by the way), like any good parasites, exist to maintain themselves. Oh, they'll throw us a month's rent to keep us from throwing on yellow vests and setting the banks on fire.

It's cute, right? Like doing nothing, but vaguely more tangible. LET US EAT CAKE. It's the imagined solution of a ruling class so completely out of touch with its power source that it can't plug in to what our lives are even like anymore.

We, the People. Remember that? Imagine if we believed in ourselves the way we believe in the fairy tales oozing out of televisions and Facebook and whatever other toilets are backing up at the moment. 300 million in the street, dragging the world into resonance with the needs of the spirit, man, just daydream with me. But for now we're shouted down and quarantined. Stay home, eat chips and binge watch on your black magick rectangles, pretend you don't have to work like a dog just to scrape by, trust the neighbors that live 3 feet away to mind their own business and NOT wait for the perfect moment to hit your in the back of the head for a can of beans, or dollar store toilet paper, or whatever when the power goes out and the cops can shoot you for leaving the neighborhood. Tears in rain, I know.

I go dark pretty quick. I don't apologize, because others are taking these bone-paved paths as the right ones and I can back off and call it a thought experiment or just bad habits. Either way, to Hell with the bizarrely well-sponsored drive to live in Hell. All my shrieking and linguistic corpse-paint aside I am hopeful, because hope is punk rock in an economy based on fear and because this maze of gasping, choking horror is an OPPORTUNITY. It's a chance to finally abandon the programmed response that makes Black Friday every day and remember that humans evolved to thrive in COMMUNITY and BALANCE. I will continue to use caps in an obnoxious fashion because decorum is a long walk from where we are, wouldn't you agree? You know what they say about those who can't take a joke, and this is the divine comedy write large in eyelid-piercing neon lights. Beyond collapse lies the chance for collaboration. That ollllllllld time religion is ready to come back. Hail to the return of the human being! It only took a few hundred thousand years, but we won't hold the grudge.

AND, PIVOT: Today is the 5th anniversary of my marriage and we didn't have the day we planned on. Or the week, or the month, or the year, if we're honest. You can't really plan for pandemic. The restaurants and bars are 80 percent closed, the hotel we booked 6 months ago is 75 percent closed, the road trip we planned is 100 percent impossible now. So we got ready. We found the oh-shit money we knew we couldn’t count on making. We stocked the pantry. We planted the victory garden. We became home school teachers overnight. We also put down our dog in the middle of the night when we expected to be celebrating. But to Hell with expectations. We adapted, and we continue to adapt. That’s who we are, dammit.

We found ways to celebrate when the world is a funeral . We went into town to taste life but we did so responsibly and quite sparingly. We put on surgical gloves and got each other gifts on clearance at the thrift store that sponsors families running from abuse. We got apocalypse tacos to go and feasted like royals because you have to live. We walked in the local wilderness and saw wonders without price. We forgave each other for a thousand shortcomings by just saying "I love you and we made it and I choose you again" and we pledged to go the distance. We won. We will keep winning. And so will YOU.

Love is the the point. It's not only how we're here, it's why. Find your way to fight for love, and enter the battle. Only your candles can counter the hideous, obsidian darkness we face in this moment. BE. NOT. AFRAID. Cross the River Styx. Bring yourself to the beyond and rejoice at what awaits you.

This was a test, this whole HUGE thing is a planetary test. And the quasi-human hookworms that call themselves "the elite" will fail the test because their parasitic paradigms are contrary to life and the common man, always forced to adapt, will build something beautiful and ace the test. Let them go to their 5 star bunkers and be the world’s richest corpses. Let them try to rule in exile with no slaves to support their pyramid schemes. Sometimes this is kind of a garbage planet, but love is real and it will prevail over the ghastly stupidity that we mysteriously tolerate. We will see the end of the systems that can’t stand a push and we will build the temples of the new world out of their bones. Death is having a field day, but the Phoenix will rise. See you in the fire, you beautiful birds.

"The world concluded happily, SO THERE." -The Legendary Pink Dots